• Vaccines and treatment drugs can both be injected, but the two are not the same.

    Vaccination prevents disease, while treatment cures disease. Understanding this helps farmers use vaccines and medicines in the […]

  • Ruttishness in pigs lasts for an average of 21 days. To test a sow for ruttishness, push down on her hindquarters.

    If she stands rigid (the so-called standing reflex), she is on heat. Her vulva may also be red […]

  • Fleas are small blood-sucking parasites that infest nearly every kind of mammal on earth. Some of them infest poultry, including chicken, turkeys, pigeons, game birds, canaries and various types of […]

  • When setting up a breeding system for your rabbitry, your first consideration should be your purpose for raising rabbits. If you’re raising rabbits for meat, you may want to produce as many fryers as possible. I […]

  • Injecting livestock, particularly larger species such as cattle, needs one to have a strong, well-built handling facility such as a cattle crush. This should prevent the animal from turning around or jumping ou […]

  • Internal parasites such as milk tapeworm (Moniezia expansa) can prove problematic in young lambs, while adults can fall prey to wireworm (Haemonchus contortus).

    The latter are bloodsuckers that can cause death […]

  • Knowing how to handle a kidding Doe and new kids can put a young goat on its way to a productive life. Does can be bred from between nine and 12 months, or when they attain 60% of an adult doe’s weight. Br […]

  • The prospect of making money normally comes with New Year’s resolutions. Keeping bees comes in as a viable option for people keen to make this dream come true.
    Anyii, a former sub-county chief of Ngetta, w […]

  • Rabbits have a high reproductive rate compared to other livestock. They become sexually mature within a few months of birth and have relatively short pregnancies. They produce large litters and are unique in that […]

  • Plunge Dip Tanks

    Plunge dip tanks are the preferred method of dipping large numbers, especially beef cattle. If constructed and used correctly plunge dips ensure complete wetting of the animal, particularly the […]

  • Many farmers wrongly believe routine foot-trimming helps control lameness and promotes better mobility. But it can actually spread bacteria and exacerbate lameness prevalence within flocks. This is also true of […]

  • It’s usually pretty obvious when your rabbit has a head tilt but the reasons behind why it happens are a little less straightforward. There can be a few explanations for why your rabbit is suddenly cocking its […]

  • Good quality boars can rapidly improve the standard of piglets if you do not have the best females.

    If boars have any problems in terms of their health, fertility, living conditions or genetic traits, you can […]

  • Water is a critical, but often overlooked, nutrient. Animals can survive longer without food than they can without water. Water is involved in every aspect of animal metabolism. It plays an important role in […]

  • When cows are comfortable, eat well, drink and rest, they stay healthy and longevity is also achieved with high productive lifespan.

    Cold and wet beddings cause discomfort and stress which will lead to decrease […]

  • A farm animal health plan is an active management tool aimed at promoting the health and welfare of farm animals by setting out disease prevention, detection and management procedures. It should be based on farm […]

  • Zoonoses are diseases transmissible between animals and humans. Zoonoses can be caused by viruses, bacteria, fungi, and parasites. In each stage of pork production, there are different potential zoonoses that […]

  • Humans can contract  poultry (zoonotic or vector-borne) diseases through contact with an animal, its bodily fluids, its infected waste or its living environment; by contact with water or soil contaminated by […]

  • Research institutes globally have been involved in a race to develop the first efficacious vaccine for the African Swine Fever (ASFv) that has been decimating China’s pig herd since August 2018.

    The v […]

  • Coccidiosis is caused by microscopic protozoan parasites called coccidian (Eimeria spp.). Coccidia go through a complex “life cycle” in the intestinal cells of goats. In the process, they produce large numbers o […]

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