• Cassava leaves as a Goat feed The feed which given to goats, either in the form of leaves or grass called as forage. This forage is used as the main feed in raising goats. Any […]

  • Hello, am gonna research and let u know

  • How can i look for market for my rabbits? I started with a target customer but they latter closed business. What do i do now?

  • Actually my goat becomes loud and restless, mounting others. thats how i know it is time for servicing

  • Beef cattle production is certainly a daunting undertaking, especially for beginners, perhaps the reason why many people opt for dairy farming, which they consider easy as they can readily learn from other […]

  • The first thing is to identify the market you will be producing for. Having an idea of the market will help you plan the location of the farm to reduce production costs and maximise profits.

    Location dictates […]

  • Fly strike is a serious condition in rabbits. It occurs mostly in the summer months. Not only is Fly strike (myiasis), extremely distressing, but it is also potentially fatal. All rabbit owners should be aware of […]

  • Johne’s disease is a fatal gastrointestinal disease of sheep and goats and other ruminants that is caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis (MAP). Also known as paratuberculosis, th […]

  • Rabbits are unlike other rared animals, do their best to conceal any illness. Rabbits are programmed to conceal their illnesses. This is a behavioral adaptation of a creature at the bottom of the food chain: a w […]

  • Furnishing the type of environment your laying hens seek when they are ready to lay an egg will ensure they lay in the location of your choice. With proper nest boxes, eggs will be laid where you can easily find […]

  • It’s important to wean kids so Does can regain the condition they lost during pregnancy and be ready to breed again.

    To wean a young mammal is to get it used to food other than its mother’s milk. When it come […]

  • Diarrhoea means a flowing through of material, a perfect description of how the disease affects both humans and animals. In the case of sheep and goats, it turns droppings soft, watery and smelly and can lead to […]

  • Preventing disease requires good management and a programme for vaccination, deworming and dipping. In addition, if not addressed, the following could cause disease in your animals:

    If sheep and goats are kept […]

  • Different rabbit breeds exhibit various qualities and characteristics. It is upon these characteristics and qualities that one may choose a breed for various purposes. Very often farmers would prefer a rabbit […]

  • Soundness

    The desirable breeding stock must be structurally sound. They need a sloping shoulder, forearm, and pastern to serve as front shock absorbers. Also, a level rump, high tail setting, and hock […]

  • Salmonella can cause a serious and sometimes fatal infection in anyone with a weakened immune system, in young children and in frail or elderly people.

    Healthy people infected with salmonella often experience […]

  • The gestation period of a cow is 283 days, or about nine months. After calving, a cow should be allowed to rest and recover for at least 50 days before being brought to the bull again. This is because rest and […]

  • The gestation period of a cow is 283 days, or about nine months. After calving, a cow should be allowed to rest and recover for at least 50 days before being brought to the bull again. This is because rest and […]

  • As a pig farmer, you need to know how to inject vaccines, dewormers and other medicines.

    Piglets kept in concrete pens often need iron injections in their first few days. Backyard pigs should be annually […]

  • For sheep scab and wireworm, inject Ivomectin at least once a year, preferably at the beginning of winter. To treat heartwater, pneumonia, infected wounds or footrot, use intravenous or intramuscular […]

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