• Beekeepers under their umbrella body, The Uganda National Apiculture Development Organisation (TUNADO), have asked government to revisit locust control approaches as pesticides being sprayed are killing bees.
    The […]

  • There’s no question that vitamins A, D, and E are critical components of rations for beef cattle.

    Vitamin A plays a key role in maintaining healthy maintenance of eyes, skin, and the linings of the r […]

  • Poultry feeds are available with several types of medications for preventing or treating diseases. Coccidiostats and/or antibiotics are the two most common medications added to feeds.

    Coccidiosis is hard to […]

  • Line breeding is the process of breeding closely related animals, usually father to daughter or mother to son, in an effort to improve individual traits.

    Inbreeding is the same as line breeding but the an […]

  • Many first time farmers find a problem selecting  goat breeds that are suitable for them. Below are some of the goat breeds reared around the world.

    Saanen Goat Breed

    Saanen goat breed is one of the most […]

  • Producing beef cattle on a small farm does not require elaborate or expensive infrastructure. Cattle do well outdoors under widely differing weather conditions and you can allow them access to an open-air pole […]

  • Because it occurs on a large scale every year, habitual abortion is one of the most important threats to the goat industry. On some farms, up to 50% of the goats may have aborted in the past.

    Habitual abortion […]

  • Running a successful poultry operation, even one aimed at feeding you and your family, can be quite difficult even when things run smoothly. But it can become very tough indeed if you have to deal with sickly […]

  • Farmers need to recognize there will always be health challenges in Piggery. The goal is to resolve those challenges as they arise and not let them become a gradual increase of endemic disease that makes […]

  •  Rabbits in the cold

    Rabbits have a thermoneutral zone (that temperature range at which they can comfortably maintain core temperature without an increase in energy expenditure) that goes to considerably lower […]

  • Small-scale dairy cattle and pig production play major roles in Uganda’s economy. They provide employment and regular income opportunities along the entire commodity value chain of production, processing and m […]

  • The following  are guidelines for the correct procedures to follow when inoculating your animals.

    Before vaccinating your animals, carefully read the user instructions on the package insert of the vaccine, a […]

  • Depending on the breed of chicken, most eggs are uniform in colour, ranging from white, pink and green, through to dark brown and blue. But a hen that lays brown eggs may occasionally begin laying white […]

  • Tips on correctly using Vet medicine Make sure you use the right medicine for the right reason. Medicine can be used for prevention (for example, de-wormers and dips) or for […]

  • Residents of Otuke in northern Uganda have been left in panic after desert locusts, which have been causing havoc in the neighbouring Karamoja region spread to the district.
    Two swarms of locusts which entered […]

  • Aggression and feather pecking or plucking are the two most common behavioral problems in chickens. They may be related and possibly have similar underlying components, including stress, overcrowding, and […]

  • Sheep are a prey species, and their only defense is to flee. Sheep display an intensely gregarious social instinct that allows them to bond closely to other sheep and preferentially to related flock members. Flock […]

  • But think not all worms are dangerous to chicken because i did some research and currently people are breeding maggots for chicken feeds

  • For every feed given to the cows ,one has to look at the nutrients therein. The major mineral requirements for dairy cows are calcium and phosphorus. The calcium phosphorus ratio is important, and an imbalance can cause infertility. There are reserves of both elements in the skeleton. Pasture is often deficient in minerals, mainly in…Read more

  • The world’s pig population stands slightly at over 770 million, with China contributing about 400 million to that figure.
    The East African countries are not left behind with a 2012 report indicating that Kenya h […]

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