• Rabbits are prey animals by nature, therefore might not be so found of being around people. They are clean animals and have a high breeding rate. However, buck can not keep with does in one cage bse they are territorial.

  • Jamilah this is a forum for Pigs not rabbits. But for the little knowledge i have about rabbits, a rabbit can breed 6- 7 times a year…. considering the gestation time and weaning periods for the little ones.

  • Oh.. thank you Prudence and Amos for the advice. I am going to try out the advice one by one and see what works out.

  • You have to make sure that their diet is well balanced.

  • Naturally, Rabbits are prey animals. Therefore they might have that instinct of keeping away from anything they sense might endanger their lives.
    Have you tried to observe their eating habits?

  • If you are using an artificial incubator, you will have to just make sure the temperatures are maintained well and the eggs turned as recommended by the vets, manufacturers and producers.

  • Normally rabbits will be ready for breeding at 7 months. And the consecutive breeding will successful for as long as the female meets the male rabbit

  • I been abserving my Rabbit for few days now, but it seems to cull in one corner and hates being disturbed. Could this be one of its behavior in their lifespan?

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