• If you’re caring for chickens with limited space, you may be wondering how they get along with other species of animals. Because individual animals each have their own unique personalities, preferences, and hi […]

  • A pig should have no problem living with other pigs (and in fact, this would be preferable to a pig living alone), provided that they have food, and water so they don’t feel the need to compete. Pigs are in […]

  • Mother rabbits get ready to kindle or give birth by pulling out their fur from their stomach. The mother uses this fur to line their nesting box that you’ve placed inside her cage. Her fur will keep the naked, ha […]

  • When a sheep is bitten by a poisonous snake, the animal will experience difficulty swallowing, the tongue will protrude limply from the mouth and the animal will dribble saliva. This may be followed by the […]

  • When maintaining a productive environment in a pig house, both minimum and maximum ventilation are important principles to consider. Below, we explain the two types, how they can be measured and in what c […]

  • Rabbits sometimes eat their young. If your female rabbit just had babies, it is important to keep an eye on her. 

    Mother rabbits don’t normally eat their babies, but it does happen sometimes. A young female rab […]

  • Horn flies, face flies, and stable flies are not just irritants to livestock, but are economically important to producers due to negative impacts on milk production and calf weaning weights. In addition, they can […]

  • The new coronavirus pandemic has come with numerous challenges for poultry farmers. First, there are challenges in marketing of eggs due to the limited operations of restaurants, supermarkets, open-air markets […]

  • Sheep and domestic birds
    Sheep should have no trouble sharing an outdoor space with birds such as chickens, turkeys, geese, and ducks, provided that all species have their specific needs taken care of (like dust […]

  • Rabbits have open rooted teeth, which means they constantly grow. Because of this they have very specific dental requirements which, if they are not met, can lead to further health problems. Below are tips on how […]

  • If you’re caring for sheep with limited space, you may be wondering how they get along with other species of animals. Because individual animals each have their own unique personalities, preferences, and h […]

  • The condition known as Piglet Anaemia is caused by a deficiency of iron. Animals on grazing are able to get adequate iron from the soil and pasture. When sows and piglets are exclusively housed and not given iron […]

  • Plunge dipping is the most effective way to control ticks on animals effectively, especially inside the ears and behind the tail, the preferred site of many ticks. However, failure of tick control can occur if the […]

  • Pregnancy toxemia is a metabolic disorder of pregnant ruminants (pre-parturition) caused by abnormal metabolism of carbohydrates and fats, which occurs in the final stages of pregnancy. Ketosis (or ketonemia) is […]

  • Have you heard a hen crowing when you know you don’t keep roosters? Well, life is stranger than fiction and your Hen can undergo a spontaneous sex reversal and become a rooster.

    A hen is born with two ovar […]

  • Abortion means the premature expulsion of dead or non-viable foetuses. Embryo loss occurs when the death of an embryo occurs, followed by absorption or expulsion of the embryo. Healthy embryos grow into […]

  • Preparation: Before learning how to butcher a rabbit, you need to prepare your supplies. You need to make sure you have three knives sharpened. This is out of convenience rather than necessity. You need two l […]

  • Having cattle on your farm can be a huge benefit – and it doesn’t stop with the beef. One cow produces, on average, 12 tons of nitrogen-rich manure a year, perfect for fertilizing your fields and gardens. Man […]

  • Many people when seeing Persian sheep for the first time mistake them for goats.  They are however a handsome breed of sheep.  The outstanding feature of Persian sheep is their colour and pattern.  Persian sh […]

  • When a chicken faces extreme conditions such as excessive heat, its body’s defence mechanisms kick in, resulting in stress. Other stressors include a very low ambient temperature, a high ammonia level in the p […]

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