• There is nothing more frustrating that having illness and health issues arise when you are making a diligent effort at coop cleanliness and proper chicken care. The simple fact that there are some illnesses beyond […]

  • One important thing to keep in mind with pigs is that they are both very strong and very curious. Thus, it’s important to make sure that the indoor space you’re providing them with is strong enough to wit […]

  • Goats can be incredibly affectionate, curious and playful beings, but there are times when they may prefer to be left alone. Even the most docile goat in your farm might decide they need some alone time, and […]

  • Due to the rising population, the demand for milk and milk products is on the rise. The increased demand can only be met by raising ruminant livestock population, with animals such as goats being of great […]

  • While some cows don’t care at all what calf is sucking on their udders, many other cows are reluctant to allow any other calf to nurse but their own. What is very irritating is if you bought a dairy or dairy cross […]

  • Constipation is a decrease in the frequency and/or amount of defecation accompanied by a prolonged and difficult passage of the stool.

    When the sow finally defecates, the manure is usually formed into small […]

  • Over the years, farms have raised quite a few bottle calves. While bottle feeding a calf is fun at first, after a week or two, you can get really tired of heading to the barn twice a day to feed a calf. Jersey […]

  • Honking is another word for the grunting noises rabbits sometimes make. Honking may sound different than you expect and may even be mistaken for wheezing or displeased noises. Honking from a rabbit doesn’t ne […]

  • Size: Many lambing problems are due to disproportion in the size of the ewe and lamb, such as when a sire of a large breed is used over a small-framed ewe, or when a maiden ewe gives birth to a big lamb. Over-fat […]

  • When moved to the weaning facility, one of the first things a pig should do is look for water and take a drink. Unfortunately, the stress of movement, new surroundings and new penmates can delay adequate […]

  • Rabbits breathe faster than humans. When a rabbit is lying down, its breathing is more noticable to you. Check its breathing rate. Normal respiratory rate is 30 to 60 breaths per minute. Some rabbit breath fa […]

  • Lambing time brings its share of difficult births. Correct technique in assisting a ewe in difficulty will enhance ewe and lamb survival. If ewes are to be closely observed at lambing time it is advisable to move […]

  • Diarrhea in pigs has always been a challenge for the swine industry. When combined with a move to a new facility, the stress of weaning can often trigger an enteric challenge in the nursery. When considering the […]

  • Molting is a natural annual process that all birds go through, where birds loose feathers, but it can present some problems and is not always predictable. This feather loss phenomenon first happens when birds are […]

  • I happen to have an orchard garden and also rear chick which help in providing manure for the garden. I have one store for all my produce so far. Will the smell of fruits affect my eggs?

  • I recently got to read an article about vaccinating chicken through their drinking water. How efficient is this method?

  • I have a friend who recently embarked on rearing local chicken.The hens have started laying eggs but there are two hens which are not laying eggs. Is there any cases of barren chicken?

  • I have my Sheep and i would want to start rearing goats as well. Can you help me know how these two can relate with each other?

  • Due to their natural instincts, there are a number of actions that you might have to take in a sanctuary environment that can make a cow less comfortable. Here are a few of their instincts and how they may react […]

  • Goats can be incredibly affectionate, curious, and playful beings, but there are times when they may prefer to be left alone. Even the most docile goat in your farm might decide they need some alone time, and […]

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