• Geoffrey Joe wrote a new post 4 years ago


    The way bucks are fed impacts their semen quality but also their libido. A buck’s voluntary feed intake when less than 5 months old is approximately 170 g / day. If a buck is given a fairly low energy f […]

  • Geoffrey Joe wrote a new post 4 years ago

    Candling is the process of holding a strong light above or below the egg to observe the embryo. A candling lamp consists of a strong electric bulb covered by a plastic or aluminium container that has a handle and […]

  • Geoffrey Joe wrote a new post 4 years ago

    Crops in the brassica family are commonly offered to livestock, especially in the cooler regions of the country, which experience surplus production. They are also used in seasons when perennial livestock feeds […]

  • Geoffrey Joe wrote a new post 4 years ago

    Molting is when a rabbit looses its coat (shedding) and grows a new coat, This is also known as “blowing their coat”. A molt can last from 2 to 6 weeks, or more, it varies from rabbit to rabbit and from breed to […]

  • Geoffrey Joe wrote a new post 4 years ago

    Routine use of acaracide treatments is unacceptable from an organic perspective. Strategies should be developed which focus on prevent the diseases and support the specific resistance of the animals to ticks and […]

  • Guinea fowls resemble local chicken but they live in the forest. They can also be kept at home to provide meat and eggs. Their meat is sweeter than chicken meat.

    To keep Guinea fowls at home, you need […]

  • Certain constructional details specific to piggery units are important. A piggery unit cannot be effective if the basic pig housing requirements are not met. A piggery meant for rearing pigs on a permanent basis […]

  • When cattle are observed to have cloudy, runny eyes, it is expected that the inflamed and painful eyeballs and eyelids are infected with a virus or bacterium or are damaged from sunlight or cancer. Close […]

  • There are quite a number of advantages of goat farming. For a long time now, goats have been considered as a poor man’s cow because of its immense contribution in the rural economy. Goat products have been a s […]

  • There are several rabbit breeds you might want consider for your farm. The breed you choose will depend on its use. Rabbits are used for their wool, fur, and meat. They are also used as testing specimens by […]

  • It is vital that the animals’ nutritional requirements are met, especially during breeding and when the cows are raising calves. Moreover, the cattle should be fully fed in a relatively short period of grazing. Th […]

  • Many poultry farmers are now crossing indigenous chickens with commercial hybrid birds (broilers and layers) to produce the so-called ‘improved indigenous chickens’. It is a desperate breeding practice aimed at p […]

  • Goats naturally prefer open spaces where they can browse freely. This, however, is not practical for many farmers due to scarcity of land. A good shelter should be spacious enough to allow them comfortable […]

  • Goats and sheep are small ruminant animals. Both provide meat, milk and wool. Both clear brush and fields of vegetation. They’re both of the Capridae subfamily of the Bovine family, so they have lots of physiology […]

  • Normal behavior in pigs refers to behaviors that are observed in pigs under natural conditions. These behaviors promote biological functions in pigs, such as survival and reproduction. Since rearing environments […]

  • Rabbits often live much longer than most people realize. Gone are the days of the mentality and the belief that a rabbit’s natural life expectancy is only a few short years. With proper nutrition, husbandry, an […]

  • Natural Deep Bed Pig Farming uses indigenous micro-organisms (IMO’s) to create and maintain a healthy deep bed little flooring. It is these micro-organisms that will help break down fecal matter rapidly leaving y […]

  • Artificial Insemination (AI) is one of the most important techniques ever devised for the genetic improvement of farm animals. Its greatest advantage is that there is maximum use of superior bulls which does not […]

  • Every farmer desires 100 per cent survival of chicks once he or she has bought and put them in a brooding house. Losses will, however, almost always occur especially during the first two weeks of […]

  • Upper respiratory infections in goats is very common, but it can cause serious illness or even death if you left it untreated. These common infections are very dangerous for the goat kids who have not had the […]

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