• How can you tell a goats’ age if you have no records, and how can you be sure a seller is telling the truth? There are some observational methods, such as goat teeth, that you can use to estimate their age. As e […]

  • The cold and wet season come with its share of challenges in humans and livestock. Just like the human flu is making rounds in most households — as expected during this season — poultry too has its portion of ram […]

  • Routine use of acaracide treatments is unacceptable from an organic perspective. Strategies should be developed which focus on prevent the diseases and support the specific resistance of the animals to ticks and […]

  • Some rabbits that appear perfectly healthy die for no apparent reason. There is always a cause of death, no matter how sudden. As heartbreaking as it is, the rabbits must have suffered from some illness, stress, […]

  • Circling Disease and Silage Sickness are other names for listeriosis in goats, commonly associated with feeding moldy hay. Listeriosis is a life-threatening disease primarily caused by the bacteria Listeria […]

  • Lambing is always an exciting time on the ranch, but it can also be a scary time for the first-time shepherd. What are the things we want to see, what are the signs that there could be a pending lambing pr […]

  • Quality tested semen is available from a number of agricultural institutions , giving farmers a chance of getting good service in the field of AI. Direct importation of semen is also possible for the keen breeder, […]

  • Excessive drinking, or drinking more than is typical (known as polydipsia) has a variety of possible causes. A rabbit with polydipsia will likely have polyuria, or excess urine, as an increase in thirst and an […]

  • When it comes to eating, rabbits are probably more similar to cows, horses and guinea pigs. Rabbits are herbivores, they are designed to graze throughout the day, rather than ingest their daily ration in a single […]

  • One of the most well-known, natural behaviors of pigs is wallowing. Happy pigs and mud seem to go hand in hand, but what is it that drives a pig to seek mud, and what makes it so enjoyable?

    The main reason it […]

  • Quality milk production begins with feeding your dairy animals good fodder to using clean milking equipment. However, while many farmers adhere to the two factors for maximum profit, they forget about offering […]

  • Foot and Mouth Disease is a highly contagious viral disease. It spreads through contact, contaminated water, feed and air.

    FMD is rarely fatal for adults, however the milk production, fertility in females and d […]

  • The hatchery’s legal responsibility is usually limited to the first week of a chick’s life – a sensitive period, when development is its fastest. A good, smooth start is essential and determines the final resul […]

  • Feed Conversion Ratio (FCR): or Feed Conversion Efficiency (FCE): is the measure of a pig’s efficiency in converting feed mass into increased body mass. Specifically, FCR is the mass of the food eaten divided by t […]

  • If your cows produce discolored urine when fed on avocados, then stop feeding them.

    There are cows feeding on avocado leaves and fruits with no side effects, except choking when they swallow the […]

  • There are several reasons why a rabbit eats her young ones

    Stillborn: Where a baby was stillborn, your rabbit will proceed to eat the body.

    Placenta: The rabbit was eating the afterbirth and placenta, and b […]

  • Laminitis is also known as lameness is defined as the inflammation of the sensitive structures of the hoof which may be of infectious or nutritional in origin. Non-infectious causes of lameness affecting the […]

  • Deaths in your poultry flock can occur due to a number of reasons. These include the following:-

    Leaving out predators such as foxes, wild dogs or even hawks, there are more causes of sudden death in your po […]

  • A meat goat enterprise creates cash income from the sale of extra kids and culled adults. When starting, a good understanding of goats and the goat market will enable you to adapt a suitable production plan that […]

  • With 80% of lamb performance based on a farmer’s management and only 20% on feeding, there’s a lot a farmer can do to ensure optimal growth.

    A lamb’s life actually begins four to six weeks before it is born. […]

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